Driving Efficiency: Innovating Event Management and Expense Tracking with Zoho Creator

Client Background

The team is a private, woman-owned company founded in 2003 by scientists and vendors with the goal of connecting the world of life sciences. They have four main channels of engagement: scientific events, vendor listings, service offerings, and equipment showcases.

The organization was struggling to manage and analyze data when their employees submitted expenses. They were using a manual process to track events, event-related expenses, and their budget. The project aims to create an integrated Event Management and Expense Tracking system specifically designed for their employees. It aims to streamline event organization and optimize expense management, enhancing operational efficiency and providing management with a comprehensive tool for seamless planning and financial tracking.

The client faced several challenges, including:
  • Difficulty transitioning from manual tracking in Excel to a dedicated website with integrated financial tracking
  • The requirement to recreate the Excel sheet’s calculation functionality on the new platform
  • The need for functionality that included employees entering event vendor information into an expense form, aggregating category amounts, and calculating total expenses fortnightly
  • The necessity of accurate data verification to calculate monthly net income effectively
Event Management and Expense Tracking with Zoho Creator
The client faced several challenges, including:
  • Difficulty transitioning from manual tracking in Excel to a dedicated website with integrated financial tracking
  • The requirement to recreate the Excel sheet’s calculation functionality on the new platform
  • The need for functionality that included employees entering event vendor information into an expense form, aggregating category amounts, and calculating total expenses fortnightly
  • The necessity of accurate data verification to calculate monthly net income effectively
Xponential implemented a solution by replicating the Excel fields in Zoho Creator, establishing separate forms for Vendor and Event data. Employees input their total commissions in the Vendor form, calculated using scientific values. These vendors are linked to the Event form, where events are manually added and values are automatically computed through workflows. A fortnightly report is generated to monitor these calculations. The system supports one admin (CEO) and multiple users (Employees), with the admin having access to view all users total net income, while individual users can only access their own reports. Criteria workflows ensure accurate separation and display of total net income, highlighting cumulative values added.
Event Management and Expense Tracking with Zoho Creator
Xponential implemented a solution by replicating the Excel fields in Zoho Creator, establishing separate forms for Vendor and Event data. Employees input their total commissions in the Vendor form, calculated using scientific values. These vendors are linked to the Event form, where events are manually added and values are automatically computed through workflows. A fortnightly report is generated to monitor these calculations. The system supports one admin (CEO) and multiple users (Employees), with the admin having access to view all users total net income, while individual users can only access their own reports. Criteria workflows ensure accurate separation and display of total net income, highlighting cumulative values added.

Operational Efficiency: The automated calculations and workflows implemented by Xponential resulted in a 90% improvement in operational efficiency. This streamlined Vendor commission and event expense management, reducing manual effort and errors for employees.

Financial Tracking and Reporting: The solution led to a 75% increase in reporting accuracy, with fortnightly reports now delivering precise financial insights and total net income. This ensured transparency and reliability in financial tracking. Additionally, the solution provided accurate data verification, ensuring effective calculation of monthly net income. Employees experienced a comprehensive financial tracking system, allowing for seamless planning and financial management.

Access Control and Security: The system offered centralised management, with the admin (CEO) having access to all user data and reports. Individual users (Employees) could only access their own reports, ensuring data privacy.


Xponential’s implementation of the solution in Zoho Creator resulted in significant improvements, including a 90% increase in operational efficiency and a 75% increase in reporting accuracy. Automated calculations and workflows streamlined vendor commission and event expense management, leading to enhanced operational efficiency for employees. Fortnightly reports now deliver precise financial insights and total net income, ensuring transparency and reliability in financial tracking. The successful implementation of the solution has helped streamline processes, leading to increased efficiency and accuracy in financial management.
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